

Old Mill HOA Board Minutes October 2022

Meeting called to order 645
Derrick Seconded

September Meeting Minutes reviewed and approved
Scott Padgett motioned to accept, Derrick Guillory Seconded.

Finance – Balances were reviewed. No significant updates as far as transactions. Certified letters were sent out for homes with delinquent dues. Some monies have been received already.
Donna Motioned to Approve, Scott Padgett Seconded.

President – Pressure washer was returned broken, Derrick plans to purchase a new pull string assembly and see if it can be repaired.

Derrick bought 5 trophies for best halloween decorations. Rob recommended asking the FB group for kid volunteers to decide which neighbor has the best one for each category. The board agreed.
Derrick got a new quote for lawn service from Angelo’s, but it was significantly higher than Mowmasters. The Board will continue with Mowmasters until a better option is found.
Scott Padgett motioned to Approve, Derrick Seconded.

VP – No update.

Clubhouse – Heather recommended changing the code of the clubhouse again. Board agreed. Heather will get a valence made for the window by the sink in the clubhouse.

Welcome/Garden – No Update

Pool – Derrick and Rob are recommending looking for pool furniture now that the summer season is over.
Derrick Guillory motioned to Approve, Scott Seconded.

Secretary – Webmaster gave Scott all files and emails from the old Google accounts. Scott will add these to the new Secretary Google account, and the Board members can go at their leisure and get the files they need.

Scott Motioned to Approve, Rob Seconded.
7:55 Scott motioned to adjourn, Rob Seconded.