

Old Mill HOA Board Minutes December 2022

Scott called meeting to order 6:52
Alberta seconded

Welcome committee – No Update
Donna sent Alberta the latest she was informed of. Scott will send to Alberta
Garden committee – Derrick – grass contract with mow masters is done and we will not renew. We will wait until March before entering into a new contract with another company. A new quote has been received for $19000 from LA yard solutions

Derrick will talk to Mr. Rick about flowers being watered every other day vs every day

Scott Motioned to Approve. Alberta Seconded.

Clubhouse – interior needs to be repainted. Ceilings walls and trim. Scott will help with getting quotes. Shooting for Q1 2023 to be done

Scott Motioned to Approve. Derrick Seconded.

President – pool furniture needs to be ordered. Derrick will start the ordering process tomorrow

Pool – the gate needs to be repaired. Derrick will find someone who can repair it

Scott Motioned to Approve. Derrick Seconded.

Treasurer – AC for clubhouse needs service as part of the new install. Scott to ask Rob about it

Balances were reviewed. A check was received for damages incurred from the pool filter rupture

Donna motioned to Approve. Scott Seconded.

New business – architectural concerns are being noticed. More attention to this needs to be placed.

Alberta wants to step down with doing YOTM.

Derrick Motioned to Adjourn 7:52. Scott Seconded.

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