

May Monthly HOA Minutes

Old Mill HOA Monthly Board Meeting
May 14, 2024 6:15pm
Scott called meeting to order at 6:15pm, seconded by Amber.
Attendance: Scott Padgett- President, Susan Watson, Heather Lukse- Clubhouse Chair, Alberta
Gauthier- Beautification Chair, Amber Chambliss- Treasurer.
Absent: Rick Munch- Vice President and Amy Turner- Social Chair.
Topics of meeting:

  1. The subdivision entrances/landscaping
  2. How to proceed with unpaid dues
  3. Broken/damaged fence boards along 73/74
  4. Susan Watson to be nominated as board secretary
  5. Clubhouse irrigation system
  6. Minor pool repairs/maintenance
    Non board members in attendance: Derrick Guillory, Erin for the first 30 min of the meeting. FB
    Live feature was launched and some additional residents were virtually present.
    Stephanie Brown (virtually present) opened with asking number of current residents who
    haven’t paid 2024 HOA dues. Scott answered ten. Scott advised that unpaid dues historically
    have been in the range of 2-5. All ten residents have been contacted concerning the outstanding
    dues to be paid. Six out of those ten residents haven’t responded to the multiple attempts to
    collect the dues. The remaining four residents have been in contact with Scott concerning
    payment. Stephanie also asked about status of 2023 outstanding dues. Scott replied there are
    two residents that haven’t paid since 2023. Scott is currently in contact with those residents as
    It was discussed that the lien process will be enforced for those non-paying residents. Further,
    was discussed that attorney letters attempting to collect the debt cost $200 each. The question
    came up whether those fees will come out of the HOA operation budget or can be passed onto
    the resident. Madi Alexander (virtually present) stated she previously worked for an attorney
    group that managed HOA’s and those fees can be passed to the resident. Scott was under the
    impression that is not accurate according to the current bilaws. Susan Watson has a message
    into Falcon Mire at the attorney office to determine what options the board has to extend legal
    fees to residents for non-payment, liens, fines, etc.
    A virtually present resident asked the question if nonpaying residents still have privileges to the
    pool and clubhouse. The answer is no.
    Scott is currently working with Falcon Mear on updating covenants and bilaws for the
    subdivision. More discussion next meeting on the progress of this. Moreover, will be discussing
    what fees should be for certain violations, etc. Current estimated cost for updating covenants
    and restrictions is $1675.
    Derrick Guillory offered for he and his son Tanner to freshen up front landscape provided the
    board covers the cost of the materials.
    Scott advised we are receiving two quotes from landscapers. One is from Mowmasters and the
    other is from Watts Landscaping. Should receive revised quotes within a week and vote will be
    made at that time.
    Fencing: Highway 73 fence repair from car accident. Insurance adjuster must come out and
    assess prior to making repairs. Status: In process and police reports purchased.
    Highway 73 loose/damaged fence boards to be reattached/replaced. Rick Munch to look into
    with help of Kenny Brown.
    Pool/Clubhouse: underwater pool lights are being worked on. Repairs have been made to the
    second pool pump motor. Both motors are up and running quietly. Repair has been made to the
    irrigation system at clubhouse. Two zones are currently turned off due to leaks. Swing at the
    playground has been repaired. Clubhouse cleaning twice weekly to begin immediately.
    Scott made a motion nominating Susan Watson as secretary. Seconded by Alberta. Board voted
    4/4 in favor, Susan successfully nominated as secretary.
    Topics to continue/discuss for the June monthly meeting:
    Camera system in/around pool area.
    Fence boards to be replaced/repaired.
    Status of drafts with attorneys for violations, fees, unpaid dues.