

June 10, 2020 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday June 10th, 2020

7pm @ Clubhouse


In attendance: Richard Thompson, Stephanie Brown, Rick Munch, Damian Manning, Roby Ray, Kristin Stair, Allison Mitchell


Absent: Alberta Gauthier


Taking notes: Stephanie Brown


Start time: 7:10pm


  1. Stephanie briefly went over minutes from May
  2. Rick advised that we have not received check from RCI yet.
  3. Rick advised that Kenny and another volunteer will clean fountains in pond
  4. Hydro seeding around pond will be held off until after summer
  5. Rick advised he hasn’t gotten quote on fence but we can decide to extend fence partially from walkway to weir first
  6. Rob advised that contractor signs are still being picked up and we are now having issues with contractors leaving trailers on street overnight
  7. Rob advised that he would like to require those in attendance of annual meeting to wear mask and that board provide mask for those who don’t have one. Board agreed to both
  8. Stephanie will post to FB that mask for annual meeting will be required and that hoa will provide a mask if one is needed
  9. Rick advised that architectural committee should meet once a month to discuss/resolve violations
  10. Rob proposed that 1st Tuesday of every month for architectural committee to meet at 7pm at clubhouse. Stephanie 2nd motion all in favor
  11. Rob gave new ideas for possible new social events like family game nights at the clubhouse
  12. Allison proposed a “modified” pool opening party on July 2nd with a movie night, possible cook off and fireworks at the pool. Rick and Rob both advised that board would have to check with insurance on if fireworks would be covered. Rick and Rob also advised that pond lot owners may not be “ok” with it and it could cause trash in their yards and in pond. Idea is being tabled
  13. Rob would like to see a couple of things added to the pool area like a pool basketball goal, table tennis game, etc. Couple of board members are concerned that basketball goal in pool may encourage rough play
  14. Rob raised motion to approve for a tennis table and advised it’s approximately $150. Kristin 2nd the motion. Damian, Allison and Richard approved. Rick and Stephanie abstained. Tennis table passed
  15. Rob raised motion to approve for pool basketball goal for approximately $200. Allison 2nd the motion. Richard and Damian abstained. Rick, Stephanie and Kristin voted no. Motion not passed. Board can re-address at a later time
  16. Rick advised that rubber foot grips for ladders in pool have come off. Board agreed for parts to be ordered to fix. Rick will order and replace parts
  17. Rick advised spotlight on 73 is repaired.
  18. Rick advised that the clubhouse AC was not working properly. AC company came out for only $45 to fix problem since we have a contract.
  19. Rick also advised that AC repairman said we needed a “compressor saver”. Rick purchased and installed himself for $12
  20. Rick proposed that any monthly payment to contractor (trash, pool, etc) be approved by board before paid. Rob advised that each board member can advise Richard if there are any issues. Rick advised that we have had previous issues with RCI not showing up to do work agreed to. Rick motioned to have board review all monthly services before paying by email, text or physical to be determined after vote. Damian 2nd. Rob advised that is not necessary as Richard sends out detailed spreadsheet every month of bills paid and that if there is an issue with a contractor we can advise board and have Richard hold payment. Rick withdrew motion. Richard reminded board that he sends out monthly financials every month and if there is an issue we should let him know. Rob advised that all contracts (trash, pool, etc) are approved before they are put into the budget and any extra cost we have is always voted on
  21. Allison would like to get rubber type matts for hallway by bathrooms and stairs outside clubhouse. Allison had on her phone examples. Matts for stairs would be approx. $30 total. Hallway approx. $27 per matt. Kristin raised motion to approve matts for steps. Rob 2nd. All in favor. Rick is going to look into other options for hallway. We could possibly use an adhesive or fan.
  22. Stephanie will call Clean Sweep regarding issues with parking lot.
  23. Stephanie advised that speed limit signs have been placed on Old Mill Dr.
  24. Stephanie advised board of homeowner dealing with issue of Oak tree in neighbors back yard (roots crossing under fence line).

Meeting ended 9pm