

May 13, 2020 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday May 13th, 2020

7pm @ Clubhouse

In attendance: Richard Thompson, Stephanie Brown, Rick Munch, Damian Manning, Alberta Gauthier, Roby Ray

Observing: Allison Mitchell, Kristin Stair

Taking notes: Stephanie Brown

Start time: 7:06pm

  1. Stephanie went over previous board meeting minutes from March
  2. Rob introduced guests observing
  3. Rick advised guest of how board meetings operate
  4. Richard went over finances through April
  5. As of this date there are 10 homeowners who have not paid annual dues
  6. Rick advised that company he received quote from to clean fountains will not return his call to do the work. Board will look into other contractors
  7. Rick advised that same contractor mentioned above was supposed to do hydroseeding work. Rick received another quote from another company since contractor can’t be reached. Rick advised new quote is for 9,200 sq ft for $2,850 (approx .31 cents a sq ft). Rick will get official warranty info before proceeding with board vote.
  8. Rob would like to get a quote to possibly extend fence behind pond. Rick will get quote
  9. Rick advised that Mow Masters is officially our new Landscaping contractor
  10. Rick advised that he has the documentation for fining homeowners for hoa violations. New board will address and come up with process
  11. Rick advised that RCI owes the hoa $1,531 and will get update from “corporate” tomorrow on check
  12. Rob motioned to set annual hoa meeting for Tuesday June 16th at 7pm. Stephanie 2nd; all in favor approved.
  13. Rick gave board members and guest copies of hoa restrictions, covenants.
  14. Rob asked observing guests if they would be interested in joining the board to help until the annual meeting when new board is elected. Allison and Kristin agreed. Rob raised a motion to approve 2 new board members. Rick 2nd the motions. Stephanie, Alberta, Richard and Damian also approve. Allison and Kristin elected to board until annual meeting.
  15. Rick advised that he could install lights on the pond (behind pool) for less than $2,000. Price would include light fixtures ($200 each) and cables to run electrical. Labor will be done by volunteers. Allison asked about possibly lighting walkway from side of clubhouse to pond. Board will look into options. Additionally, there will be considerations for the costs of EICR testing.
  16. Board has received multiple complaints regarding homeowner on Mill Wood that has left big items in driveway for some time (freezer, furniture, boat, junk, etc). Rick,Rob and Damian will go to homeowners home tomorrow.
  17. Rick asked Rob if it was possible for hoa to sue homeowners in small claims court for unpaid dues. Rob advised it could be and that sometimes JP’s will handle small claims. Richard asked Rob if we file a lien on a home for unpaid dues if we would have to renew that lien yearly? Rob advised no that it would have to be renewed every 7-10 years depending on how it’s written/originally filed.
  18. Alberta asked if we had restrictions on colors for homes. Board advised yes and that all colors must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. It was also advised that roofs must be approved. There are concerns that not all homes are getting approval before these things are done. Stephanie was asked to do a facebook reminder regarding these issues.
  19. Alberta and Stephanie advised that multiple mailboxes are in desperate need of painting. Rob advised for Stephanie to post on facebook reminder along with a list of people in the neighborhood who can do this.
  20. Rick advised that he has picked up multiple contractor signs throughout the neighborhood.
  21. Richard advised that the hoa needs to address integrity of the neighborhood to keep home values up.
  22. Rob went over results from speed trailer. Board will look into price of speed signs with solar panels.
  23. Old Mill Dr has 1 speed limit sign as you enter from 74. NO other signs on that street in either direction. Stephanie will contact parish
  24. Rob brought up proposals to open pool. Rob advised we uncover soon to allow pool company to get ready to open (approx. 2 weeks to get chemicals correct, and pumps working accurately). Rob advised that we don’t set an opening date and wait to hear more from the Governor regarding restrictions. Rob advised that all surrounding pools are closed with the exception of Belle Savanne. Rob would like to put some restrictions on pool when it does open. NO outside guest (only homeowners) until further notice. Also raise the age to be without adult from 15 to 18 (homeowner must be present with those under 18). Allison asked about possibly also having residents use bracelets used previously.

Damian exited meeting at 8:40pm

  1. Rob motioned to approve new restrictions on pool until further notice (age of 18 requirement and no guest allowed). Stephanie 2nd all in favor agreed. Approved
  2. Allison asked if we could still do food trucks/snowball trucks sometimes. Board advised yes
  3. Rick advised he’d like to have a fishing rodeo in the future for the kids.
  4. Kirstin is contacting someone she knows with the LSU AgCenter regarding stocking of the pond (does it need to be done, if so what kind of fish, etc etc).

Meeting ended 8:50pm