March Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting
March 8, 2022, 6:30pm
Present: Kristin Stair, Elizabeth Waguespack, Donna McCaffery Sanders, Alberta Gauthier; Derrick Guillory, Scott Padgett, Damian Manning, Rob Ray
The meeting was called to order at 6:38pm by Rob Ray.
Approval of the minutes
Kristin Stair presented the minutes from the February meeting.
Rob Ray moved to approve the minutes as read.
The motion was seconded by Derrick Guillory
The motion to approve the minutes passed with no objections.
Financial Report
Donna Sanders presented the Treasurer’s report.
A modified monthly budget was submitted to the board in advance of the meeting. There is nothing out of the ordinary within the budget this month. Pool pump has been paid for, as well as the balance on fencing and the deposit on the club house roof.
When analyzing the annual expenses to prepare the budget for approval at the annual meeting, a few discrepancies were discussed, and it was asked if the budget for these items needed to increase or if the increase in costs was a one-time additional expense. For example, insurance has gone up this year, so that expense will need to be raised in the annual budget for next year and moving forward.
Several items such as pool cleaning and maintenance, as well as utilities and services have been increased this year, and therefore will need to be increased in the budget for next year.
It was discussed that due to increased costs of basic expenses as well as the need to begin replacing more furniture and amenities, there is a need to raise dues. It was discussed that this will be brought up at the annual meeting so that the process for raising dues can begin. It takes several votes for that to happen and will be lengthy process to get it approved.
It was asked again if there might be a way for credit cards to be used to pay dues. Paypal has been used in the past, but the fees have made that option not viable for the subdivision.
Donna will compile the edits to the budget and send it out to the officers for review before the annual meeting on the 15th.
Elizabeth Waguespack moved to the accept the financial report as read.
Alberta Gauthier seconded the motion
With no objections the financial report was approved.
President’s Report
Rob Ray reported that the gate clickers which were purchased and pre-ordered are programmed. We have already gone through the ones that were ordered so it was discussed that new ones need to be ordered. Rob will try to order again from the same company and see if we get them in more quickly. If they take as long as the last ones did, we may need to find another source for the clickers.
He will get the homeowner who helped him program the remotes to give him the information so that he can do it himself moving forward.
Club House Update
Kristin Stair reported that the clubhouse roof work has been completed. She thanked Derrick for taking on that project and getting it completed.
Kristin also did a quick camera demonstration for the board since she will not be continuing on the board after the next meeting.
Kristin also went over the ballot of individuals who has agreed to run for the board at the next meeting. She reminded the board that nominations can also be taken from the floor at the annual meeting. She will print the ballots to have them ready for the annual meeting.
Alberta Gauthier asked about if the meeting would be recorded or streamed live like it has been in the past. It was discussed that the sound in the clubhouse on Facebook live is poor and we often get comments that individuals cannot hear the speaker. Scott will look at possibly recording it with better equipment and will get it posted to the Facebook page.
The subject of trying to get Wi-Fi for the clubhouse came up. It was discussed that this might be a good time to look back into trying to get WiFi since it would be a huge benefit for people booking the clubhouse as well as for movie nights and activities.
Welcome Committee
Alberta Gauthier reported that two houses have been purchased this month. She went to deliver welcome kits and the houses were still empty. She will follow-up with them again to deliver welcome baskets and materials.
Social Report
No new social events are currently planned. Kristin Stair thanked Elizabeth Waguespack for the great job she did with the Mardi Gras Bike parade.
Pool and Maintenance Updates
Derrick discussed new lights for the entrances. There are multiple options that the board could look at including one options that is around $800 and another that is $1,800.
Rob Ray moved to purchase the $800 lights for the entrances.
The motion was seconded by Damian Manning.
With no further discussion, the motion passed.
New pool company is doing a great job getting the pool up and running. It is estimated that the pool will be ready for April 1 with a tentative opening sometime early to mid-April.
This Friday, March 11th Derrick will host the first cleaning session from 8:00 – 4:00pm. A second workday will be scheduled for April 2.
Other updates/discussion
Scott Padgett discussed starting a neighborhood Notes of the Week post on Facebook where weekly updates could occur to give homeowners a better idea about what business is coming before the board and the status of projects.
Rob Ray reminded the board that the Facebook security questions can also be used to help collect data from residents for the directory.
The meeting adjourned at 8:19pm
Kristin Stair