

Feb 23 Old Mill HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees – Scott Padgett, Heather Lukse, Alberta Gautier, Derrick Guillory, Rick Munch, Rob Ray

636 Scott called meeting to order. Heather seconded.

Review of minutes from previous meeting – Minutes were approved.
Scott motioned to approve minutes – Heather seconded.

President – Lawn maintenance quote has gone up from previous budget by $3000.

Current pool maintenance company is shutting down, we will have to get another company to maintain the pool.

Budget – Items were reviewed and discussed for the 2023 budget. These adjustments will be incorporated into the new budget proposal and reviewed at next board meeting in march.

A re-vote occurred for the clubhouse cameras that 2 board members should review the footage. Alternatively, it was proposed to remove the camera system entirely. Scott motioned to have the cabinet for reviewing the video locked with 2 locks independently keyed, and 1 key given to clubhouse focal point and 1 to welcome committee in case of emergency. Derrick seconded. Board voted in favor 6-0. This should be completed by the next board meeting.

Clubhouse – ASIC would not be available until April. Scott is meeting with another painter morning of 2/9.

Welcome committee – 1 new homeowner. One house has sold and a new neighbor will be moving in soon.

Derrick proposed getting a new pressure washer for the neighbors to rent. Derrick motioned to vote. Rob seconded. Board voted 5-1 in favor.

Rob motioned to get an HOA credit card. Scott seconded. Board voted 6-0 in favor. Rick will proceed with getting one.

Rick recommends putting a dues reminder on the message boards on the entrances.

827pm Scott motioned to adjourn. Heather seconded.