August Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting
August 10, 2021, 6:30pm
Present: Stephanie Brown, Rick Munch, Donna McCaffery, Kristin Stair, Rob Ray, Alberta Gauthier; Elizabeth Waguespack
Absent: Damian Manning, occasionally present on Zoom
Call to Order
Rick called to order at 6:31pm via zoom
Approval of the July Minutes/Old Business
Stephanie Brown reviewed the minutes of the July meeting of the minutes
Elizabeth Waguespack moved to approve the minutes as read.
With no objections the motion passed.
Kristin Stair seconded the motion
President’s report
Rob Ray will make a post to homeowners on Facebook addressing some of the issues that have been coming up in the subdivision regarding home and lawn maintenance.
He is also available tomorrow to send the certified letter to the homeowner who has still not paid their dues.
He also added that there have been comments regarding external antennas being ok to use with the covenants for homeowners. Rick Munch clarified that outside antennas can be installed as long as they cannot be viewed from the street. Rick has installed an antaenna to the club house so that homeowners can use the television when they rent the club house. The TV is working and has approximately 20 channels.
Rob also mentioned that there have been complaints about the clubhouse being dirty and that the outside needs to be pressure washed. Rick reported that he cleaned and swept all of the cobwebs and the dirty areas outside. He was able to mostly clean it with sweeping instead of pressure washing it.
Stephanie Brown said that if the clubhouse does need pressure washing, she can reach out to the same individual who pressure washed it last time. After discussion, it was decided that Stephanie will go ahead and contact the homeowner and have him contact Rick to rent the pressure washer.
Vice-President’s Report
Rick Munch installed the no swimming signs at the pond. He also installed a new antennae at the club house that will allow homeowners to watch television on basic channels if they rent the club house.
Treasurer’s Report
Donna McCaffery reviewed the accounts and found that the HOA had spent $24,291 spent to date. This is slightly below our spending for last year.
Donna will check and see about outstanding dues. She will then email the board with those homeowners who are missing those dues. Stephanie reviewed the spreadsheet and said there are 4 homeowners who have not paid dues.
It was discussed that letters have already been sent. Stephanie suggested that our next step should be to send certified mail. Rick spoke with one household that is currently being rented, the renter was aware that dues are due and was willing to pay directly, but the homeowner refused to deduct from the monthly rent for the renter to pay out of pocket.
Stephanie moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as red
Kristin seconded the motion
With no objections, the motion passed
Pool Committee Report
Stephanie reported that our current contractor will be leaving and we will be getting someone new from the company to come in. She would like to schedule a meeting with our existing contractor and the new contractor to make sure that she can meet him in advance and he is aware of the HOA needs.
Rick notified the board that 2 buckets of chlorine was purchased to use for the pool when a shortage was announced earlier this year. He would like to make sure the new contractor knows that that chlorine is available and needs to be used the last two months the pool is open so that it can be used up this year and we can deduct that cost from the service fee. We could also use this during winterization if needed.
Welcoming Committee
Alberta Gauthier had four new homeowners move in over the past month and she has dropped off welcome baskets and welcome paperwork to each home.
She reported that some of the common areas, especially around the entrances has been looking shabby. Several plants look dead. A few of the trees and bushes may need to be treated for fungus.
She asked if MowMasters was available for treating those areas. Rick Munch mentioned that we don’t have any contracts for any of the trees for fungal treatment. It was suggested that we look at putting Agapanthus back down in that area and possibly some Aztec grass since that area is difficult to keep plants healthy. Ricks asked if Alberta could reach out for advice on how many plants need to be purchased and installed.
The club house landscaping also needs to be assessed soon. It was discussed that new plants will need to be purchased and installed. Kristin Stair mentioned that it might be possible to partner with Dutchtown High School about having the FFA members come help install the plants.
Donna McCaffery mentioned that on the website, MowMasters does say that they do landscaping so it might be a good idea to reach out to them to get an estimate for installing new plants.
Rick also mentioned that he has a corrected form to be included in the welcome baskets and will make sure to get the form to Alberta.
Maintenance Committee Report
Kristin Stair reported that she received contact from the pond lot homeowners and that they were unhappy that an arborist was on site and looking at the trees that connect to their property without their knowledge. Rick Munch clarified with the homeowner that the arborist was just giving an unofficial opinion of the trees while they were on site to do other work for the board. He gave an informal estimate of $4,800 to remove those trees, leaving roots intact.
Kristin was finally able to get someone to commit to the consultation. They are looking at August 25th to possibly have him come out.
*Note, after this meeting, the consultation was rescheduled and then delayed due to Hurricane Ida.
Social committee Report
Elizabeth Waguespack reported on the success of the fishing rodeo. We had approximately 16-18 kids participate with several door prizes and awards for prizes related to the catches. The board wanted to officially thank Elizabeth for her hard work and what a wonderful event it was.
Architectural Committee Report
Damian Manning met with the two homeowners who have been in conflict regarding home and property conflict. He clarified the regulations for both homeowners and notified them about what the HOA can and cannot do regarding the complaints. As part of this discussion, the board also discussed boats and what follows the bylaws and what is allowable.
He also got some paint request forms returned. One of the houses was painted but the chimney isn’t painted. He has noticed several homes that do not have their chimneys painted and that may need to be discussed. Rick mentioned that chimneys should be painted and that chimneys should be included as a requirement for painting on the architectural form. Rick stated that he believes we need to go ahead and send violation forms to the homeowners whose chimneys are not the same color as the house.
New Business
Complaints regarding the chain link fence on Rivergate.
A pond lot owner indicated that the existing chain link fence between Rivergate and old mill is an eyesore and has requested that a wood fence be installed between our subdivision and Rivergate.
It was discussed that the cost of a fence would be prohibitive. Landscaping may be an option, but that will take more time to accomplish results.
The trees on the HOA property beside the pond was again discussed as a source of complaints. It was mentioned that the fence is buckling. There is concern about the land being damaged and the HOA being blamed. Discussion occurred around the complaints that the HOA have received and concerns for damage that the trees may cause to the land and the pond.
Management Company
Rick Munch expressed concerns about the costs of the management company. Rob Ray mentioned that any contracts will have to have the ability to cancel the contract at any time. Discussion occurred with points both for and against the management company.
Kristin Stair moved to have the company come for a special meeting in two weeks where additional questions could be clarified.
Rick seconded the motion
After further discussion, the motion passed.
Kristin agreed to work with Stephanie to schedule a special meeting.
It was also brought up that there may need to be a meeting with the HOA lawyer before the meeting with the management company. It was decided that a meeting with the lawyer was not necessary at this time.
With no further business, Elizabeth Waguespack moved to adjourn the meeting.
Kristin Stair seconded the motion.
With no further discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm
Special Meeting Old Mill HOA Executive Board
August 25, 2021, 7:00pm
PMI Property management presented their plan for consideration. Under their new proposal, the company would handle violations and reporting to homeowners.
Several questions were asked about what the management would look like and specific questions were asked about what areas the company could help the board, based on specific circumstances that have arisen in the past few years.
After the presentation, the board debated several pro’s and con’s around the issue of hiring a company. Some board members expressed concerns that this could be manageable by the existing board and others feeling that this cannot or will not be able to managed appropriately with the number of concerns that the subdivision currently has.
Kristin Stair moved to bring the issue to a vote at our next regular executive meeting when the contract could be reviewed and the questions that were asked during the meeting could be answered by PMI.
Rick Munch seconded the motion
With no objections, the motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.