

September 23 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

September 19th, 2023

Minutes of the Old Mill Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors regular monthly meeting, held on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 at 6:15 pm at the Old Mill Clubhouse in Geismar, LA.

  • Call to Order
    • President Scott Padgett called the meeting to order at 6:28 pm
  • Roll Call of Officers
    • Roll call of officers at 6:09 pm
    • Present: Josette Williams-Castell, Alberta Gautier, Scott Padgett, Amy Turner, Heather Lukse 
    • Absent: Rick Munch
  • Approval of Minutes of the August 2023 meeting
    • Motion by Scott Padgett, seconded by Amy Turner, to approve the minutes of the September Board Meeting was carried.
  • Officers’ Reports
    • President’s Report
    • Meeting to increase the annual assessment will have to be delayed until the annual meeting. 
    • The Board will raise awareness of the upcoming increase by: 
      • Communicating changes to the community by individual outreach.
      • Creating presentation to show the increases and reason for changes made to the budget.
      • Letter with explanation and new budget, conveying the importance of showing up and voting by proxy. 
    • We don’t have a No Soliciting sign at the LA-74 entrance. 
      • Think about the best placement.
    • Scott is going to contact the person who fixed the sprinklers on LA-74 to see if he can work on the sprinklers by the Clubhouse. 
  • Vice President’s Report – None
  • Secretary’s Report – None
  • Treasurer’s Report was given by Josette Williams-Castell as follows:
    • Past Due Bill for Ascension Water bill – Disconnect notice received by email because it was removed from automatic payments. Josette will update the payment method. 
  • Architectural Committee Chair’s Report was given by Scott Padgett as follows:
    • Additional volunteers are needed on this committee. 
    • A process for documenting and administering notices and fees for violations, as well as a schedule of fees is needed. 
  • Welcome and Garden Club Committee Chair’s Report was given by Alberta Gauthier as follows:
    • There have not been any recent homeowner sales. 
    • Shrubbery needs to be trimmed around the lift station. Heather Lukse will contact the Lawn Maintenance company to take care of this issue. 
  • Clubhouse Committee Chair’s Report was given by Heather Lukse as follows:
    • Request to post the rules and procedures for Clubhouse bookings on the Old Mill Facebook page. 
    • Starting October 1st, Clubhouse rental requests will be cancelled within 48 hours if all documents and payment have not been submitted. 
  • Maintenance Committee Chair’s Report – None
  • Pool Committee Chair’s report was given by Scott Padgett as follows:
    • Scott will hold off on purchasing additional pool chemicals. 
  • Social Committee Chair’s Report was given by Amy Turner as follows:
    • The committee would like to host a Halloween house decorating competition. The winner will get a prize – possibly $20 gift card each.
    • The committee will continue the Letters to Santa event, which will start the day after Thanksgiving. Amy will write the responses.
    • Garage Sale Date will be October 14, 2023 at 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. Goodwill and the Fellowship Center will be contacted to collect unsold items as available after the sale. 

The board meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm. upon motion by Josette Williams-Castell, seconded by Heather Lukse and unanimously carried.

These minutes were approved by the Board of Directors.