

September 12, 2018 HOA Board Meeting Minutes


September 12, 2018

Rick called meeting to start at 7:08 pm

Present –

Board Members-

Rick, Doug, Kenny, Tracy, and Jessica




Residents Present for landscaping presentation

Pat Thompson and Alberta Gauthier


From 7:08 pm until 8:00 pm A Landscaping presentation was presented by ROTOLO CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED (RCI) formerly Massengale

Tim – Licensed Horticulturist and Landscape Designer LSU Grade gave the presentation.

Diagrams were used as visual tools to explain Tim’s design

Would use Southern Plants

Would try to save everything preexisting they can.

Saint Augustin Sod would be used due to being more shade tolerant.

With the variety of plants chosen they will be blooms year round.

Rob arrived at 7:22 pm



Rick asked about the section of beds inside the 73 entrance they were not included on the diagram.

Tim advised – He would look in to pruning existing plants, putting in sod and mulch.

Fall would be the best time to plant.

From the time a contract is sign it is average two weeks before the crew is out to start the work.

Plants would have a life time warranty with proper irrigation as long as RCI were taking care of the beds. Of course if there is a natural disaster or they would work with us figure something out.

All warranty details would be in contract.

“Acts of God” will be covered by insurance company.

An Area Manager would always be just a phone call away.

An enhancement manager over sees projects not Tim.

Examples of RCI’s work include –

Mulch and Grass as LSU

Mall of Louisiana

To do both entrances  – $27,900.00

Yearly Up Keep – estimated $12,000.00 a year  – 38 visits a year

Monthly upkeep by RCI is recommended.

Irrigation monitoring can be added for an additional small fee.

Contracts can be as short as one year and as long as three years.

Rob asked to for a break down of the cost to do each entrance sat different times and another breakdown of savings by doing them both at the same time.

Also a total bundle price bundle to include grass cutting.                                         Tim is open to doing another presentation for residents.                                         Can work up a rendering but hesitant with out a contract.

8:00 – Tim, Pat, and Alberta left.


Tracy advised per text from Cory that asphalt guy is running around two weeks behind.


Rick – Weir is finished, it is self-regulating.  The weir becomes wider at the top to allow for more water to flow through during periods of heavy rain.

One of the landscape companies we been interested in do the entrances was hired for a residence here in Old Mill. They left the job unfinished.

Angelos- will provide a rendering of the design they come up with for the entrances. It will cost $1200.00.  We would receive $600.00 back if Angelos is given the contract.

Current Grass Landscaping is Mow Masters- no contract – $14,000.00 yearly

A vote will be made by or at next meeting on landscaping contract.


Kenny –  Pool Cover –

Three piece cover will overlap and set on cables. Cables will keep them from touching the water.

$6342.00 – cover  cables

$1000.00 – first time set

TOTAL – $7342.00


All agreed KGB will be paid after SOD is put down.

Neighborhood Garage Sale – Social Committee sets the date once in spring once in fall.