

September 11, 2019 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday September 11, 2019

7pm @ Clubhouse


In attendance: Rick Munch, Richard Thompson, Rob Ray, Stephanie Brown, Doug Pourciau, Alberta Gauthier, Tracy DiBendetto, Damian Manning


Taking notes: Stephanie Brown


Start time: 7:07pm


  1. Stephanie went over minutes from previous meeting.
  2. Final fence letter brought before board. Richard motioned to approve and give to all homeowners on Sugarmill and Millwood that have HOA Fencing. Damian 2nd All in favor.
  3. Doug advised that he received a quote for the clubhouse parking lot for $7,800. Rob asked if there was any warranty on the work. Doug advised he will find out. Rob also wants to make sure they will remove rocks from the parking lot. Rob asked Doug to find out how long the parking lot will have to be closed. Richard and Rob motioned to approve. All in favor.
  4. Doug advised that he is concerned with erosion on HOA property that we previously did not get a quote on from KGB. Doug advised that someone may get hurt while fishing. Rob would like to get quote for that side. Rick stated that we could certainly get a quote from KGB.
  5. Richard advised that we need approximately $50-60K to finish calendar year.
  6. Rob asked board how urgent the parking lot was. Rick advised that there are noticeable stress tracks and holes caused by water getting under the concrete over time.
  7. Board discussed multiple options regarding weir, bulkhead and parking lot. Which is most important, critical, etc? Board agreed that parking lot and weir/bulkhead were both of equal importance and both critical. Board agreed that parking lot is to be done along with weir. KGB will come out to give an estimate on approximately 40 feet of bulkhead (20ft each side of weir).
  8. Rick advised that small screen from Walmart for clubhouse hall is about $200
  9. Richard advised that 2 homeowners who have unpaid dues are still not responding to letters or knocks on doors. He advised that next step is a letter from the HOA Attorney.
  10. Rick advised that the new tree for by the pond has been ordered and will be planted in 4-5 weeks. Rick also advised that Jay with Mowmasters grinded up the stumps behind the pool area near the pond at no charge. Rob would like to possibly get Jay a gift card for all he has done for the HOA over the years at low to no cost. Rob motioned to approve $100 gift card. Stephanie 2nd. All in favor.
  11. Work day will be decided at October meeting.
  12. Rick advised that he, Pat, and Alberta are still working with RCI to correct landscaping issues. RCI tried to charge us for dead Azaleas. Rick reminded them that they were all under warranty and needed to be replaced. Rick sent Tim with RCI an email regarding the numerous issues we have had. Rick waiting to hear back from Tim.
  13. Richard asked if we could start mailing HOA violation letters. All approved and are ok with.


Meeting ended 8:45pm