

December 11, 2019 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill HOA Board Meeting

Wednesday December 11th , 2019

7pm @ Clubhouse


In attendance: Richard Thompson, Stephanie Brown, Rick Munch, Doug Pourciau, Alberta Gauthier


Absent: Tracy DiBendetto, Rob Ray, Damian Manning


Taking notes: Stephanie Brown


Start time: 7:04pm


  1. Stephanie went over previous unfinished task from last meeting.
  2. Pool has been covered. Rick repaired anchors for pool cover.
  3. Stephanie will make clubhouse cleaning list. Rick advised that clubhouse cleaning personnel needs to check clubhouse before every rental.
  4. Rick advised Hwy 74 light can’t be fixed by HOA/volunteers. Rick asked Doug to send him some electrical contractors who could do the work. Rick will contact and get quotes.
  5. Richard advised that 2 homeowners still unpaid. Rick advised we knock on doors again and possibly send letter from Attorney advising homeowner of next action from HOA.
  6. We need to address homeowners along Hwy 74 fence who have not taken care of vegetation.
  7. Rick went over mailbox installation done by AP school board. Rick advised board to see series of emails regarding the multiple issue with new mailbox which is not in line with covenants/restrictions. AP school board advised Rick that they will contact Brian’s Furniture to contact Rick for new mailbox.
  8. Richard gave keys for new mailbox to Rick and myself.
  9. Rick advised that the monthly fee for AC maintenance contract is $ 14.95. AC company also sent list of recommended repairs for AC.
  10. Richard advised that renter on Mill Wood who was back paying HOA dues for homeowner is paid up.
  11. Richard went over financial statement. Only “red” item is water bill.
  12. Rick asked if we could do a Christmas decorating contest. Social Committee will head up contest.
  13. Alberta asked when RCI Maintenance contract expired. Rick/Richard advised we are month to month but have to give them a 2 month notice. Board will look at the possibility of getting a new landscaping contractor. Board will get multiple quotes when/if decided.


Meeting ended 8:16pm