

August 23 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

Old Mill Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting

August 17th, 2023

Minutes of the Old Mill Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors regular monthly meeting, held on Thursday, August 17th, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Old Mill Clubhouse in Geismar, LA.

  1. Call to Order
    1. Secretary Josette Williams-Castell called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm.
  1. Roll Call of Officers
    1. Roll call of officers at 6:09 pm
    1. Present: Josette Williams-Castell, Alberta Gautier, Scott Padgett, Rick Munch, Amy Turner (arrived at 6:50 pm)
    1. Absent: Heather Lukse
  1. Approval of Minutes of the July 2023 meeting
    1. Motion by Scott Padgett, seconded by Rick Munch, to approve the minutes of the last Board Meeting was carried.
  1. Officers’ Reports
    1. President’s Report – None
  • Vice President’s Report – None
  • Secretary’s Report was given by Josette Williams-Castell as follows:
    • President Derrick Guillory resigned on August 17th, 2023
  • Treasurer’s Report was given by Josette Williams-Castell as follows:
    • Proposed 24-25 Budget – Motion to approve the 24-25 Budget by Josette, seconded by Scott and unanimously carried.
      • Budget Meeting – Friday, October 20th, 2023
      • Letters Delivered – September 23rd – 30th, 2023
    • Reviewed P&L
    • Requested Outstanding Dues letters from lawyer for 4 properties.
    • Volunteer Hours – Motion to approve volunteer hours by Josette Williams-Castell, seconded by Scott Padgett and unanimously carried. 
      • Josette Williams-Castell: 2.5 hours
      • Scott Padgett: 3 hours
  • Welcome and Garden Club Committee Chair’s Report
    • The flowers on Hwy 73 are almost all gone now.
    • Still waiting on invoice from person who repaired the leak on Hwy 74 entrance.
  • Clubhouse Committee Chair’s Report – None
  • Maintenance Committee Chair’s Report was given by Rick Munch as follows: 
    • One of the underwater lights in the pool is out.
    • Need new sign with current email address – Rick will ask Kenny Brown to do new lettering and put the sign back up on the gate.
    • Rick will take over programming car remotes since Derrick is no longer available. 
    • The sprinkler heads at the Clubhouse need to be repaired – Rick will ask Erin for assistance with this task.
    • Rick would like to move forward the fence to be repaired with line instead of cedar and to replace the caps. Scott will get the quote and request repair. 
  • Pool Committee Chair’s report was given by Scott Padgett as follows:
    • The vacuum hose and replacement of chemicals are still pending purchase. 
    • No additional issues with current pool company. 
    • Scott will post Pool Maintenance reports to the Shared Google folder.
    • Scott signed an agreement with Waste Management to increase the size of the dumpster.
  1. Social Committee Chair’s Report was given by Amy Turner as follows:
    1. Alberta Gauthier was the only attendee at the Starbucks social.
    1. Amy is working on a newsletter. 
    1. Amy will ask Lorraine Murphy about volunteering to host a Yoga class or Art Project Social. 
    1. In October, Amy would like to host an event for kids in the community. 
  • Elections
    • Motion by Josette Williams-Castell, seconded by Scott Padgett, to accept the following appointments of Officers and Committee Chairs was unanimously carried:
      • President – Scott Padgett
      • Vice President – Rick Munch
      • Secretary/Treasurer – Josette Williams-Castell
      • Maintenance Committee Chair – Rick Munch
      • Architectural Control Committee Chair – Scott Padgett
      • Clubhouse Committee Chair – Heather Lukse
      • Welcome Committee Chair – Alberta Gauthier
      • Garden Club Committee Chair – Alberta Gauthier
      • Pool Committee Chair – Scott Padgett 
      • Social Committee Chair – Amy Turner
  • New Business
    • Scott motions to allow Blaine Petite to host an Old Mill Meet and Greet at the Clubhouse for no fee or deposit on August 23rd, 2023, seconded by Josette Williams-Castell and unanimously carried. 
    • Motion by Josette Williams-Castell, seconded by Scott Padgett and unanimously carried to remove Rob Ray and Donna McCaffery-Sanders from the Capital One account and replace signees with Scott Padgett, Josette Williams-Castell, and Alberta Gauthier.  

The board meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm. upon motion by Josette, seconded by Scott Padgett and unanimously carried.

These minutes were approved by the Board of Directors.