

November 15, 2018 HOA Board Meeting Minutes

HOA Board Meeting

November 15, 2018

Start Time – 7:21


In attendance – Kenny Brown, Doug Pourciau, Rick Munch, Rob Ray, Jessica Benson


Landscaping contract for both entrances has been signed. Email was sent request a start date. Contract include both entrances and grass on the 74 entrance.


Rob motioned a vote to buy Bluetooth speaker from Sams club for $160.00.


Kenny second motion


All in favor – Rob, Kenny, Jessica, Doug, Rick.


Motion passed!


Rob passed along update on Social Committee given by Social Chair Tracy Mathis-DiBenedetto. Gumbo Cook Off and Christmas event is scrapped due to time constraints. May have a movie for kids at the club house. Looking at possibly doing a New Years Eve event with fire works around the pond. Rob advised board would vote on use of fire works at HOA sponsored event due to possible liability issues.

Rob brought up a possibly live Nativity/Christmas story play.

Jessica advised it may be to close a line on Christmas and Religion to be  board sponsored.

Other ideas were an

-Angel Tree

-Adopt A Family in need

-Food Drive


Jessica offered a food drive to be set up by the Southern Hospitality Committee to benefit a local food pantry. Possible service hours for JROTC to help collect cans. Will contact Master Chief at Dutchtown to check on that possibility. Rob suggested St. Johns Pantry as beneficiary of food drive. Jessica will contact them.

*A group will be caroling in Old Mill this year.

*Christy Lapeyrouse is planning the second annual cookie exchange.


Pool guy would like to clean pool day before cover is installed.


Pool Cover potential install on Wednesday.


Next Work Day –

Bridge to be demolished

Playground Edging adjusted

Teeter Totter installed


Jessica motion vote on buying new Market Umbrellas for pool tables. 5 in total.


Rick seconded motion adding lets buy a variety of colors.


In favor Jessica, Rick, Rob, Doug, Kenny


Rob noted not to get red umbrellas if possible, due to the orange chairs. Everyone agreed.


Motion Passed


The Parish Control Group ticket for $200.00 was presented for ditch weed killing in common areas.


Rick suggested we look into buying our own back pack sprayer.


Entrance 73 gate was fixed. $80.00 to replace the open trigger.


We need a clarification on pricing on Walgreens corner lot fence.


Jessica will speak with Alberta about possibly having a wreath making class.


Update on corner lot street parking and blocking road views.

– Rob spoke with home owner. He stated that its “legally” parked and cops will not make him move it just because its against HOA bylaws.

He has 4 kids and they park on the street, that way his car is not blocked in.


*Can build a circle drive

*Can widen drive

*Keep drive how it is, park all cars in drive way. Move cars around to adjust to everyone’s leave times.


If street parking continues

-registered letter will be sent

-fine will be levied each month


Clubhouse attic needs to be cleaned out. Items need to be sorted through.


Speed Bump Facebook pole

54 – yes.

31 – No

1 – Indifferent


Jessica will check on getting No Parking Signs.


Rick Motioned Clubhouse Ladder be put up for sale on Craigslist. Money from sell be used to buy an 8ft Commercial Grade Ladder.


Kenny second motion


All in Favor Rick, Kenny, Doug, Rob, Jessica


Motion Passed


Meeting ended 8:00, p.m.