

June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

 Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting

June 17, 2022, 6:30pm

Present: Derrick Guillory, Scott Padgett, Allison Mitchell, Heather Lukse, Donna Sanders

Absent: Chris Chalmers and Rob Ray

The meeting was called to order at 6:41pm by Heather Lukse

(Scott to ensure that the followup actions are reviewed for next meeting).

Approval of the minutes
Scott Padgett presented the minutes from the May meeting.

Scott Padgett moved to approve the minutes as read.
The motion was seconded by Heather Lukse

The motion to approve the minutes passed with no objections.
 To learn more about this, click here.

Financial Report

Balances were reviewed. Mostly normal transactions. Insurance premium was paid. No dues received since April. Recommendation for the past due balances to be given to an attorney. 

Insurance company was called for pool filter rupture & flooding. 

Unsure as to whether or not the gate EMS siren detector on hwy 73 was actually repaired. Rob to verify. 

Derrick Guillory moved to accept the financial report as read.
Scott Padgett seconded the motion

With no objections the financial report was approved.

President’s Report
Derrick Guillory  Lights for Hwy 74 entrance are ready for install. 

We need to make sure the cameras are working properly. They haven’t been checked since March. Board should make a habit of checking once per month during board meetings. 

Derrick has looked into changing the pool opening time in the system to 5AM, but the company is not giving required information to do it. More to come on this. 

Scott Padgett motioned to accept the report

Donna Sanders Seconded

Club House Update
Heather Lukse No update

Welcome Committee
Alberta Gauthier mentioned that she is not aware of any new residents since the last meeting.

Social Report
Allison has movie night at the pool on July 8. 

Alberta mentioned that we might get a live band to perform one night. HOA would sell tickets. 

Pool and Maintenance Updates
No updates.

Other updates/discussion
Discussion about changing the age of when minors can go to the pool unattended. 

Board to check if canvas gazebos are allowed on pond lots. 

Derrick advised that when a board member goes out of town, their responsibilities should go to another committee/board member vs. another homeowner not on a committee or not a board member. 

Pool chiller discussion resulted in roughly 50% of the neighborhood wanting it, 50% didn’t. A preliminary quote was roughly $17,000. Scott is going to canvas the neighborhood of which homeowners would be willing to put money up for the chiller. 

The board needs to see whose responsibility it is to maintain the fence on 73. The fence is in a fair state of disrepair. 

Improvements to mention:

Bills are going up

Pool Chiller

New pool furniture

Playground upgrade: take a look here.

Lights at entrances


Pool area repairs


Scott Padgett Motioned to adjourn the meeting.

Derrick Guillory Seconded. Meeting adjourned. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:16Submitted,
Scott Padgett