July Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting
July 8, 2020, 7:00pm
Present: Rick Munch, Stephanie Brown, Alberta Gauthier, Richard Thompson, Damian Manning, Rob Ray, Kristin Stair
Absent: Allison Mitchell
The meeting was called to order at 7:12pm by Rick Munch, Old Mill HOA Vice-President.
Election of officers into officer positions
The first order of business was the appointment of elected officers into officer and committee positions.
After discussion, it was decided that the officer positions for the next year would be: President – Rob Ray
Vice-President – Rick Munch
Financial Secretary – Richard Thompson
Recording Secretary – Kristin Stair
Rick Munch moved to approve the officer slate.
Rob Ray seconded the motion
With no objections, the motion passed.
Committee chairs were also decided at this time.
Pool Chair– Stephanie Brown
Club House Chair – Rick Munch
Welcome/Garden Chair – Alberta Gauthier
Architectural Chair – Damian Manning
Social Chair – Allison Mitchell
Pond/Maintenance – Kristin Stair
During discussion it was brought up that the name of the maintenance committee was changed from pond committee and was moved to Maintenance.
Originally, the job was to locate contractors for jobs around the outdoor areas.
Rick already takes care of the bulk of the maintenance responsibilities so it may not be necessary for a separate position at this time.
Kristin mentioned that she would be especially interested in doing social media and outreach segments related to the pond, as well as the yard and garden, but wanted to ensure that she was fulfilling the jobs as needed for the HOA.
Stephanie asked about email addresses for the new officers. She will move the social email address to go to Allison Mitchell and maintenance to Kristin Stair.
The board may look at changing the name from Maintenance to Beautification or something similar to encompass more of the outdoor projects.
Approval of June Minutes/Old Business
Stephanie Brown reviewed the minutes of the last meeting that was held on June 10th.
Several action items from the previous meeting were discussed to check for their completion status:
- Check from RCI has been received and has been cashed.
- Pond fountains have not yet been cleaned, Kenny Brown and Rick Munch will be working on that over the next few months.
- The hydroseeding may not be necessary for the area near the ponds, it is already filling in naturally with grass.
- Contractor signs have not been as much of a concern, but it may just be because much of the roofing work has been completed.
- Architectural control committee should meet the 1st Tuesday of every month. Stephanie asked if the board wanted her to send out a Facebook post reminding the homeowners about the committee. Rob Ray suggested to go ahead and send one now and then an additional post right before the meeting. The meetings will begin in August.
- Rob had a question about the fencing on the adjacent property next to the pool. The other subdivisions HOA is working on getting approval for spending to complete the fence between our subdivision and theirs. Rick will follow-up with them. Rob mentioned that Old Mill could possible split some of the costs in order to get the fence up as soon as possible.
- Allison Mitchell purchased rubber mats for the steps outside, it was discussed at the June meeting that something was needed for the hallways inside. Rick mentioned that he found some mats at that are 3×5 rubber mats, vented, and sit off the floor to allow for them to dry underneath. They are $25 per piece. The board agreed to purchase some to try them out. Rick will pick up 2 of them to see how they do.
- Stephanie contacted Clean Sweep about the cracks in the parking lot. The company has said that there was a moisture problem and offered to come back and re-treat the cracks. However, they can’t do it until the fall. Stephanie will check back with them in a few months if she hasn’t heard back.
Rick Munch moved to accept the minutes as presented
The motion was seconded by Kristin Stair.
With no objections, the motion passed.
President’s Report
No report was given
Vice President’s Report
No report was given
Treasurer’s Report
Richard Thompson sent the monthly financial report to all of the officers via email for their review. Six homes have still not paid dues. Richard is going to send out another letter to the residents to try to get them paid before legal action will be taken.
Rick Munch moved to accept the Treasurer’s report
Rob Ray seconded the motion
With no objections, the motion passed
Architectural Committee Report
Damien Manning has mostly been receiving requests for painting and roofing shingles. There will be several homes submitting those requests still as roofing is still being completed from the hail damage.
There was one request for patio structure replacement. He will be meeting with that homeowner to check the project.
Rick Munch mentioned that once the committee begins meeting, he will be assisting Damian with getting those requests sorted and filed. Alberta, Stephanie, and homeowner volunteers have been reporting violations for mailboxes and flowerbeds as well.
Kristin Stair mentioned that there should be an easier way to keep up with these items and that maybe we should move them electronically. She offered to move the form onto a google site or form that would be easily accessible by everyone.
Stephanie and Kristin will look into putting things into files or google docs so that it will be easier to update.
Rick Munch talked about making copies of the files and locking them into cabinets in the club house. It was also discussed that we could look at scanning scan them so that we have them electronically and not worry about the hard copies.
Alberta Gauthier asked about all of the mailboxes that currently need painting. She is concerned because there is a large number of them that are in bad shape. Stephanie Brown asked about reaching out to homeowners and asking them if the board could paint them, Rick Munch asked about giving homeowners the supplies for them to do themselves. It was discussed that there were several mailboxes in need of painting but since the reason they are in bad condition is not known, Damian will reach out to those homeowners about their mailboxes to see if they may need assistance.
Old business
Covered during the review of the minutes
New business
HOA Neighborhood Social
Rob Ray mentioned that he would like to see about doing the movie and social at the pool in the next weekend or two. It was discussed that we only have about three weeks until school will start so if we are going to do it, we need to start planning soon.
Weeds and Workdays
Rick Munch mentioned that there are still some houses on Hwy 73 that have a lot of weeds and vines growing through and over the perimeter fences.
It was discussed that the HOA will send letters out to homeowners to cut or spray weeds by the 1st of August, or HOA will be coming in on the 1st and 2nd to spray or pull the weeds.
Stephanie Brown also mentioned that we need a workday on the perimeter fence to repair boards that are coming off. It was discussed that this could be done at the same time as the fence spraying day and that this work day could also allow for the repair of the fence on the Hwy 74 entrance that is leaning against the tree.
Tables and Pool Furniture
Rick Munch mentioned that a few new tables might be needed for around the pools. Rob Ray mentioned that several of the chairs need to be replaced as well, especially the orange ones that have fabric that isn’t holding up very well. Rick offered to make wooden tables and could cut out umbrella holes for them. It was discussed that there are several types of furniture out by the pool and that we should make an effort to start making it more uniform.
Rick Munch reminded the group that there is work that is going to need to be done at the pool, including re-grouting in the next year or two. Stephanie Brown reported that there is an area where the concrete has broken inside the pool. This will all have to be looked at more closely at the end of the year once the pool is closed for the fall.
COVID and social distancing at the pool
It was discussed that several residents have asked for the rule regarding no guests in the pool to be reconsidered during the day Monday through Thursday since the pool is not currently being used by many people. After discussion, it was decided that since cases of COVID are increasing, that this isn’t the time to loosen restrictions. The rules will be looked at again at a later time.
Clock at the pool
Several residents have asked for a clock to be installed at the pool. Rick Munch showed the board one of the clocks that he had been looking at that was water and weather resistant. The board agreed as a whole to purchase the clock for the pool area.
Basketball goal at the poll
Rob Ray again brought up the basketball net at the pool.
During discussion, it was again brought up that the concern is increased horse playing or bothering other residents who are not playing. Kristin mentioned that as long as they are movable and if they can be moved inside or away from the pool if they become a problem she doesn’t have any concerns and would agree to them. Richard called for vote. Votes were:
Kristen-yes as long as it can be moved
Motion for basketball goal approved
Rick moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34pm