February Old Mill HOA Executive Meeting
February 9, 2021, 6:30pm
Present: Stephanie Brown, Rick Munch, Richard Thompson, Kristin Stair, Rob Ray, Damian Manning, Allison Mitchell, Alberta Gauthier
Both Kristin Stair and Rob Ray had to leave the meeting early due to other commitments and were not present for all votes.
Absent: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm by Rich Munch
A special presentation was made by Bret Hughes, insurance agent at Maxum Indemnity Company the insurance company for the subdivision to review the property and liability damage policy for the HOA Insurance policy.
Approval of January Minutes/Old Business
Kristin Stair reviewed the minutes of the January board meeting.
Stephanie Brown moved to accept the minutes.
Allison Mitchell seconded the motion
With no objections, the motion to accept the minutes was approved
Treasurer’s Report
Richard Thompson reviewed the Treasurer’s report that was send to the board via email.
The HOA currently has $410.00 in checking and $69,519.76 in savings. One of the homes with outstanding dues has been paid. Two more are still outstanding and liens have been placed on the
We received $4121.20 on insurance claim for fence. The total cost of the fence was $4383. Other expenses were average
Last Bulkhead payment of $1,541 has been paid and the bill is now complete.
It was also discussed that letters need to go out for the annual meeting. The annual meeting will be March 16th at 7:00
Kristin Stair will add wording to the dues letter about the survey and will prepare the survey in print form to be passed out along with the dues.
Rick reminded the board that an abridged copy of the rules and regulations for the dues letter should go out as well.
Because of the excessive time that it will take to print everything with this round of letters, the board agreed that the documents could be sent out for printing.
Allison Mitchell moved to approve the printing of the letters, surveys and summary of the HOA rules up to $200.
Rich Munch seconded the motion
The motion was approved
Stephanie Brown moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Allison Mitchell seconded the motion.
With no objections, the motion passed
Vice-President’s Report
A rock at the Hwy 74 entrance moved into the road this week, likely it was hit by a trailer. It has been put out of the road but needs to be moved further around the curve so that it is more viewable from the road. Rick suggested a small group to take a hand truck and move the rock over more toward 74.
On the 73 entrance, the rut where someone drove over the divider has damaged the landscaping as well as the irrigation head. Rick would like to install two poles around that area so protect the sprinkler system.
One homeowner has complained about their fencing not being replaced with the other fencing. The insurance company did not agree to pay for their fences. Rick spoke with them about trying to schedule a workday to help them fix their fence. This workday will be scheduled in the Spring.
It has come to Rick’s attention that the water bills are much higher than normal. The sprinkler systems are currently on 10 minutes every other day. Rick will be altering them to 5 minutes every other day and then possibly move then to every three days.
Kristin Stair asked about the need for watering so often during this time of year. Rick agreed and said that there are rain gauges on the system but that they may not be functioning properly.
He also suggested altering zones and turning some zones off.
It was suggested that maybe moving to 5 minutes once a week might be the best plan for now since rain is so regular this season.
However, it was also discussed that there needs to be a more active group that can monitor the landscaping and irrigation. It was discussed that we should form a gardening committee to monitor the landscaping and make recommendations on water, fertilizer, etc.
Architectural Committee Report
No new updates
Welcome committee report
No new updates
Social Committee Report
No new updates
Pool committee
Rick Munch and Stephanie Brown reported the grout work for the pool has been completed and the pool is covered. They put in approximately two feet of water in the pool and they will try to allow as much rainwater as possible to fill up the pool. The pool contractor started back this week to maintain chemicals and will monitor water/chemical levels.
Rick went over the quote from the contractor to re-seal all concrete joints around the pool. The Contractor agreed to allow the board a three-month payment option.
Stephanie moved to approve a three-month payment plan for the pool contractor
Damian seconded the motion.
The motion passed
Other business
7:53pm Kristin exited the meeting and Stephanie took over taking notes.
Rick advised the board that the frequency of the entrance gate may have been compromised and that he can change the frequency to solve the issue. He would have to re-program on board systems in vehicles which he estimates may be about 40 vehicles. The discussion was tabled until next meeting.
With no further business, the meeting ended 8:15pm.
Kristin Stair
Items for consideration at the next meeting
Entrance Gate Compromised and how to move forward.